19 November 2008

The List: Yes. No. What?

+Obama backing the need to address environmental concerns. Yep, it's called science.

+The idea of using an auto bailout to force the big three to make the cars we need, and have needed, for the past 40 years.

-Newt Gingrich, the healer. The guy who institutionalized run-you-over-with-a-Hummer, Contract On (sic) America politics now tells us the politics of the past few years can't work.

-Minnesota Nice Elections. Wow. Just, WOW. Hot dish, anyone?

-Bad Karma Award to Ted Stevens International Airport-Anchorage. This is your crash-landing alert...


?Treasury Secretary Paulson--"Mr. Paulson acknowledged that he had the authority to use bailout money for homeowners, but he insisted that the money should go toward “investment” in financial institutions rather than “spending” on rescue efforts." (NYT) It's called bait and switch, but a nice view into the what is seen as the root of the problem--not helping those who suffered from the Ponzi scheme, but helping out the people who made the mess.

?Nebraska, home of family values. Like dogs getting suspicious about trips to the vet, "Mommy and Daddy want to take the family out for a drive" has new meaning in the Mid-West...

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