12 December 2008

The List: Yes. No. What?

+The World Wildlife Fund's criticism of Brazil's plan for the Amazon. Losing Amazonian forest in chunks the size of Rhode Island is not a plan.

+Jon Stewart's brilliant interview with Mike Huckabee on gay marriage. He goes to the main points incisively, and Huckabee ducks, dodges, and never answers.

+Not often I agree with the Vatican on bioethics, but yeah, don't send in the clones...

-The Bush administration's theocratic move eliminating mandatory scientific input for decisions made about federally protected wildlife. Brilliant. Now we should eliminate lawyers from consulting on legal decisions, economists on the economy, and sociologists on social issues. Wait, the last one already happens...

-Voting down an auto deal because you hate the UAW, as southern senators appear to have done. Way to stay focused, keep the salient issues on the front burner. It's those pesky organized laborers that got us into this mess anyway, isn't it...? All cars are designed from the assembly line up... The UAW is not who needs to be watched.

-The brilliant plan to fight abortion by defunding Planned Parenthood, as reported on Slate.com's William Saletan on his blog Human Nature. Planning parenthood would be a natural deterrent to abortion, wouldn't you think?

?Oregon's own Linn County School Board 3-3 split on whether or not to keep the "Bunny Suicides" in the library. It's like they're neither dead nor alive, just in limbo; what to do... You do have to wonder about the quality of life in Halsey, Oregon, at the moment.

?This should be a "no," but with corruption so blatant, it just defies imagination--how brilliant was Blagojevich? "Are you tapping my phones now? How about now? What if I spoke to someone about selling a senate seat now? What about if I threaten a children's hospital?"

?...And then there was Blago's lovely philanthropic wife cheerleading in the background... Although I have heard "F*ck the Cubs" from Cubbies fans...

1 comment:

Jules said...

Love the last two especially. L