22 January 2009

The List. Yes. No. What?

+The closing of Guantanamo Bay by President Barack Obama. You can't lead the free world by undercutting the very laws, philosophies, treaties and ideals which make you free.

+Dick Cheney showing up in a Spy vs. Spy hat and in a wheelchair for the inauguration. Where was Peter Sellers when we needed him?!?!? "Dr. Strangelove, or: "How I learned to stop worrying and love torture"

+I spent Wednesday helping friends at Wednesday Wines get a group up on Facebook. Very cool way to spend part of an afternoon.

-Rush Limbaugh, "I hope Obama fails. Somebody's gotta say it." No. You don't. Amazing that anything but unquestioning support for conservatives is unpatriotic, but somehow this is not. I remember being told by Eliot Abrams in the Reagan administration that we were not patriotic for the failure to support arms to the Contras. True patriotism is fighting for a better country, and clearly Limbaugh would hate to see that.

-Again, the economy may not support environmental policy change because they are "expensive." In the same week that they suggest trees in the Northwest are dying at twice their usual rate; at what point is it just too expensive not to make changes? Is this still really about economics?

-Bush suggesting that while we might not agree with the decisions he made, we would at least agree that he made the tough decisions. I also agree that gravity exists, and seem to have had about the same amount of input on that.

?Collagen in my Black Forest Ham. My ham says "wrapped in edible black collagen." the mind reels--where does black collagen come from, and are there other colors? Why does it have collagen and yet the outside of it is still wrinkled? If we are 25% collagen, and it is our connective tissue, will I take longer to decompose? Who thought of wrapping my ham in edible black collagen in the first place? Not happy about my edible black collagen...

?The complete frustration in watching Portland Mayor Sam Adams spiral into oblivion with the intern scandal. It is frustrating to watch the bedroom politics, but equally frustrating to know that his own staff was trying to warn him about the appearance of what he was doing. How does such an astute politician get into this mess?

?Sarah Palin sparring with the press for going after her kids, and then for Couric and Tina Fey "exploiting" her. If I care less, would you please go away.

?Palin redux...A book deal? Well, that's just great...

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