18 September 2010

Dove Chocolate Sayings, for Sociologists

1.  It's always darkest, when your camera is obscura.

2. It's not hegemony if you've got chocolate.

3. Turning your life around takes 180 degrees, but running a panopticon takes 360.

4. You may be stuck with the form, but you are the one who gets to decide on the content.

5. Which presentation of your self are you going to have today?

6. If you want a social fact, you have to be social!

7. Sociologically imagine your possibilities today.

8. Keep your thoughts on the ideal type, when you're not dealing with an ideal world.

9. If you're not aware, it's probably just false consciousness.  

10. Signifier?  Signified?  You be the decider.

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